Jingyuan Li

I am a second-year Electrical and Computer Engineering graduate student at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. I work as a research assistant at Multimedia Image Processing Lab at Rutgers University under the supervision of Professor Ivan Marsic and his Ph.D. students. Before joining Rutgers, I obtained my B.S. degree in Electronic Information Science and Engineering at Xiamen University, one of the top universities in China.

I am actively seeking entry-level full-time positions as Software Development Engineer. Have graduated in October 2018.

Contact:   jingyuan.li@rutgers.edu | |




VIT-PLA-Web: Visual Interactive Tool on Process Log Analysis 

Java Servlet D3.js JQuery Bootstrap HTML Apache Tomcat

A data-driven recommender system for Medical Workflow Analysis using dynamic time warping similarity metrics, density peaks clustering and linear regression to perform process visualization, statistical analysis and process recommendation. I am working on data visualization, front-end design and improvement, website deployment on Amazon Web Service to improve scaling.


VIT-PLA 1.0: Visual Interactive Tool on Process Log Analysis

Java Swing Java 

A Java-based workflow data visual analytic tool, that provides a simplified process log visualization and performs statistical correlation analysis on process attributes. I am focusing on trace alignment and alignment improvements such as Time Window Relaxation, Block Shift, Realignment and Process-Oriented Iterative Multiple Alignment. Alignment improvement reaches 30% in alignment matrix length.


Patient Cohorts Analysis 

Python Data Mining Statistical Analysis 

A framework to learn patient similarity, recognize treatment patterns for data analysis and perform significance tests to recognize patient cohorts. Used k-means and k-medoid to do clustering and found the optimal number of clusters.



D3.js Webpack JavaScript ES6

A JavaScript library with updated process log timeline visualization, based on D3.js and packed with Webpack. Some new features updated e.g. zoom in and out, draggable visualization thumbnail. I am building it and has improved over 7 visualization details.

Course Works


Travel Reservation System 


A Web App with JSP for travelers to search, book flights and select seats. I led the four-member team to designed and built a database with MySQL and implemented queries to store, retrieve and manipulate data. Personal responsibilities in the implementation of account registrations, user sign in, sign out, manager’s account, account settings, flight searching, flight statistics, and reservation making.



Android Firebase Google Maps API

Footprints is an Android app that you can use it to keep a journal together with the photos and locations when you go on a trip. Also, you can share your footprints with your friends or others, or take a look at their footprints in their profiles.


Stock Prediction 

AngularJS Chart.js HTML Python Flask MongoDB

A stock forecasting web application. The users can view historical stock data, real-time stock data and do prediction utilizing SVM, ANN, Bayesian curve fitting, Lasso/Ridge. It also shows three indicators: SMA, EMA, RSI. I designed the whole UI and the connection of front-end and back-end.


Traffic Monitoring System 

Java Servlet Ajax HTML Here Map API 

A Java-based web application, that can provide the user with travel time suggestions, travel destination suggestions and area traffic conditions. I designed the whole UI and worked on API configurations


Dec 2016 - Present Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ Rutgers University
  Research Assistant, Multimedia Image Processing Lab
July 2015 - August 2015 EastCom Co., Ltd., Hangzhou, China EastCom Co., Ltd.
  Software Engineer, Industrialization Department


Process Mining the Trauma Resuscitation

Sen Yang, Jingyuan Li, Xiaoyi Tang, Shuhong Chen, Ivan Marsic, Randall S. Burd

IIB Accepted by IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin (IIB) July 2017

Download: [pdf]

Process Mining the Trauma Resuscitation Patient Cohorts

Sen Yang, Fei Tao, Jingyuan Li, Dawei Wang, Shuhong Chen, Ivan Marsic

ICHI Accepted by IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI) Feb. 2018

Download: [pdf]

Discovering Interpretable Medical Workflow Models

Jingyuan Li, Sen Yang, Shuhong Chen, Fei Tao, Ivan Marsic, Randall S. Burd

ICHI Accepted by IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI) Apr. 2018

Download: [pdf]